
Showing posts from November, 2021


The greatest evil that a human faces is physical pain. Now the question which comes in mind is are you living your life with constant body pains? If the answer is yes then it’s highly affecting the quality of life you are leading. Pain leads to more additional symptoms like fatigue, stress, depression etc. and often body pain can happen because of various reasons like excess exercise, overuse of body and flu. Let’s understand various reasons of pain- ·          Fatigue ·          Anxiety ·          Cramps ·          Headache ·          Weakness ·          Body stiffness ·          Joint and muscle pain ·          Numbness and tenderness Body pain is an issue that needs a proper treatment. One of the most easiest and convenient method is hot and cold compressing. Both heat and cold therapies act as a pain relief method. Use of hot pack Hot pack helps in soothing the muscles and reducing the inflammation, it provides comfort and can heal the damaged tissue. Use of


 Covid-19 is that dreadful disease that entered into our lives and little did we know that it will shamble up our lives to such an extent. This disease affected the lives of innumerable people that after a certain point the medical system of all the countries collapsed to such a stretch that not everyone infected was getting proper professional treatment. Given the scenario people had to be self – sustained. Every other medical institute and doctors were putting their heart and soul into it but still the situation was slipping out of hands. There are so many symptoms discovered one day or the other but some are those which are the constants from the beginning. From the myriad of other symptoms one of the very prominent symptoms was dropping oxygen level. It created havoc all over. People died because of the shortage because of the fact that they were not alarmed beforehand because there were no regular checkups. Slowly people were made more aware about the regular health monitoring o


Every person in the world is going through a phase where no one expected that life would take such a big turn. Being stuck in your house is the last thing that anyone could have imagined. Covid-19 came as a shocker. It created a worldwide panic, and that’s not even strange because the symptoms were very dangerous. But as it’s the sad reality now we have to stop being intimidated and start acting smart. Being regular with oxygen and pulse rate monitoring is one of the smartest things you can do to avoid panic scenarios. But how do we do that? Especially when we are stuck in our homes? The answer is with the help of an oximeter. Many of us may not have even heard the term pulse oximeter before covid- 19 took over the world and many of us may have come across pulse oximeters only in hospitals. Hearing and getting to know about pulse oximeters there are many questions that would arise in everyone’s mind like what is a pulse oximeter? Is it important to have a pulse oximeter at home, And