
Showing posts from December, 2021


Covid came in bringing a sudden wave of disaster and making lives of people a havoc where everyone is panicking and praying for life to take a fresh turn, but besides this people also need to understand how to live and deal with such kind of situation and keep them and their family safe.None of us was aware about how it could affect our lives so deeply. This disease affected lives to of innumerable people that after a certain point the medical system of all the countries collapsed to such a stretch that not everyone infected was getting a proper professional treatment. Given the scenario people had to be self – sustained. There are so many symptoms discovered one day or the other but some are those which are the constants from the beginning. One thing which is very certain that people were very little aware about oximeters and they were only limited to clinical use and for the matter of fact they were not introduced to home use until covid. From the myriad of other symptoms one o


Little did anyone knew about a life changing event that would happen in form of a widespread virus that would shake the lives of people and would bring it to a standstill where everything would seem lifeless and people would weep for their own and loved one’s life. This wave of virus taught people so much about many things that did not even existed in the daily lives in the past and one thing that caught the eye of the mass was pulse oximeter. It was for a reason, the reason was that dropping oxygen level was the most common and dangerous symptom of almost every second patient of covid. Lets understand pulse oximeter in depth and how to choose the right fit- Pulse oximeter is a device that measures the oxygen saturation level in a human body. Now due to covid pulse oximeters have gained a huge importance and has become the need of every household. People have started looking for methods to keep a check on their health themselves. Having one is very important because that way everyo